Zoem zoem: €125,- for the Beecloser Foundation
Thank you to all pilgrims who registered for a Walk of Wisdom between 22 March and 22 April: from the registration fee of each pilgrim we always set aside €1 for the Bijendichter foundation in the Ooijpolder.
Landscape contribution
The Walk of Wisdom has no Truth, but it does have values. One of those values is commitment to your own living environment and nature. Well, walk the talk! we said in the board and since then €1 of the registration fee of each pilgrim goes to the landscape on the route. For example, we support the Stevenskerk, the Gelders Landschap and last month (until Earth Day on 22 April) the beekeepers in the Ooijpolder.
In the coming month, we will be saving for Natuurmonumenten. One of us is going to collect for the association and a few pilgrims are participating in the midsummer night run for Natuurmonumenten in Heumensoord: Saturday 16 June from 23.00h to 01.00h, 7.5 kilometers. It’s nice if you join us: you can stay with us if you come from far away! Specify: link .
About the Bee-Closer Foundation
Below is what the Bijendichter foundation does for nature. They are, among other things, the initiator and co-organizer of the Ontfermbermen: take care of a verge by keeping it free of litter and sowing it with organic flower seed: link.
From the website of the Bijendichter foundation (link).
“The Bees Closer Foundation was founded at the end of 2013 by five beekeepers with a big heart for bees, nature and landscape. We beekeepers in the Ooijpolder and the Duffelt near Nijmegen.
Bees are inextricably linked to their environment. They are important pollinators, which not only allows nature and landscape to flourish, but also allows a large part of the food that ends up on our plates to be grown. At the same time, bees depend for their survival on a richly flowering, varied and toxin-free environment so that they can obtain pure nectar and pollen.
Due to, among other things, large-scale agriculture, the use of pesticides and a decline in the number of gestation plants, the bees are not doing well.
Bee mortality is now a global problem. We are convinced that even on a small scale and close to home, everyone can contribute to improving the living conditions of bees.
That is why we want to inform as many people as possible in our own area about the importance of bees in a flourishing landscape and about improving the living conditions for bees. We do this, among other things, through educational activities, public campaigns and the sowing and planting of gestation plants. One of our beekeepers also manages an educational apiary at the Wielewaal school garden in the Ooijse Schependom just outside Nijmegen. There we receive school classes and on special occasions also other interested parties. We like to work with people, organisations and companies that are also committed to bees, nature and the landscape.”