Walk of Wisdom: We Have Germinated in the Earth
By Manja Bente, co-coordinator of the Walk of Wisdom
On June 21, the Walk of Wisdom celebrated its 5th anniversary. We are now 6,400 pilgrims further.
As a foundation, we have undergone a major development in recent years. We, Damiaan Messing and Manja Bente, initially developed and shaped the Walk of Wisdom as pioneers, with the support of volunteers.
We did so out of idealism, love for the world, and hard work. As a result, we were able to realize our dream. That’s like a very big gift!
Partly due to the departure of Damiaan Messing, it was time to record everything a bit more, so that new employees can also step in and continue this great work. Rob van Sprang will now coordinate the Walk of Wisdom with me, Manja.
Pillars of the Walk of Wisdom
An important document that we have developed is the Charter. In the charter we describe the pillars on which the Walk of Wisdom is built. That’s our vision, this is what we stand for. This is something that needs to be clear and unambiguous, especially if similar Walks of Wisdom are going to start abroad (and that is also a dream we want to realize).
We have written down all the tasks of the various positions, so that everything that needs to be done is clear. The Walk of Wisdom has grown in size and as a result we have deployed more volunteers and we can continue this beautiful project together. So new volunteers with bigger tasks have joined, including Wendy, who now runs the pilgrim office, Lucy Holl, who has been with us from the beginning and now takes on the role of editor-in-chief, and Willy Kokke, who does the bookkeeping.
The forty volunteers of the Walk of Wisdom are of different ages. Most of them have a job in addition to their volunteer work, others no longer do. What we find important is that they are in a place where they fit and enjoy the task at hand.

Giving and receiving
Working with the intention of ‘giving and receiving’ is important to us. This is the basis on which we work together. As a result, we have been able to create a very harmoniously working foundation. With very beautiful and lovely people who have made a connection with the foundation and with each other, and who support and propagate the ideas.
In recent years, we have grown as a foundation into a mature organization that is ready to receive the new flow of pilgrims.
We germinated in the earth
Awakened by the light
To go our own way
(Proverb at the departure ceremony)
Kind regards, Manja