TV report Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas

The designers of our symbol Pilgrim were in the spotlight in this fun TV report by RN7.

Landscape contribution: €150 for the chestnut valley (Geldersch Landschap)

Thanks to 150 pilgrims who registered in recent weeks, we were able to transfer €150 for the preservation of the Kastanjedal in the Heerlijkheid Beek. The Heerlijkheid Beek is located on the route, about a 12-kilometre walk from our starting…

“God’s gift” for our start and end point

We are happy: our starting and ending point - the Stevens Church in Nijmegen - will receive the largest national contribution in the new subsidy round for national monuments. The 750-year-old building stands proudly on a hill and is the heart…

Omroep Gelderland films at the Departure Ceremony

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What a beautiful departure ceremony it was yesterday (Saturday) in the Valkhof Chapel in Nijmegen. There were no less than twenty pilgrims who Walk of Wisdom this way Started. With a lot of goodbyes, nice music from Dineke De Velde Harsenhorst …

“She is her feet, she is the railway” (Dineke sings The Pilgrim)

Dineke de Velde Harsenhorst has sung her beautiful song The Pilgrim many times at ceremonies and other gatherings of the Walk of Wisdom. Leonie van den Schoor of Stuk Producties made a recording of it at a few beautiful places along the route.…

“Man walks the path he has to take in his life” (artists Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas)

Every pilgrim who registers will receive a steel pin of the symbol of the route in the starter pack. It's called 'Pilgrim' and the artist duo Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas designed it. The special symbol is also used as a route marker. "The design…