Triodos Foundation sponsors 20 kilometres


The Triodos Foundation makes 20 kilometres of our 136-kilometre route possible. This means that we have received almost 100 kilometres of sponsorship in our crowdfunding campaign ‘100 meters of wisdom’. Our goal of 125 sponsored kilometers is now a lot closer. Would you also like to make 100 meters or more possible? Have a look here

The Triodos Foundation was founded in 1971 to encourage the conscious use of money and to enable innovative projects. The foundation is independent of Triodos Bank, which was only established in 1980. The bank does take care of the growth of capital through smaller and larger donations from customers. 

The Foundation talks about the value of “free money.” Money that is released through donations and value in the sense that the money is used to promote “a society with a focus on quality of life.” I am happy and grateful that we have been designated by the foundation as “an initiative with added value.” More value than just money.

Learn more about the triodos foundation