The walk in seven drawings – report of a pilgrim
Pilgrim Joke shared seven portraits with us, one of each walking day. The portraits are also an entry for our Book of Hours: pilgrims can contribute to a new edition, linked to one of the 34 route maps. A selection of these will be compiled into the new book. Read Click here for more information about the selection criteria.

“With great pleasure and amazement I walked the Walk of Wisdom in 7 days. Initially, I went out with my tent in October 2018 to increase the feeling of freedom and contact with nature. Due to circumstances, I traveled home after 3 wonderful running days. After a few days I was able to make 1 more walking day, so I could walk to Grave.
During last carnival weekend, Friday morning 1 March, I was able to pick up the route from Grave. Walked from Grave to Wychen, the next day on to Afferden. On the rainy Sunday 3 March, I walked over dikes and floodplains through the beautiful landscape to Nijmegen, where I signed out at 3.15 pm in the Stevenskerk. “