Tag Archive for: landscape contribution

Landscape contribution: new bench for Duivelsberg

Thanks to the donations for our starter packs, we were able to donate a bench to the Duivelsberg nature reserve. Nice to give something back to this beautiful area. We have put up a sign with an anonymous statement from one of our pilgrims:…

Little owl box for the Cuckoo Orchard

It was with great pleasure that we donated a little owl box to Alberthe and Paul van de Koekoeksgaard in the Ooijpolder. As a thank you, we received a beautiful box with 6 red wine bottles from their ecological vineyard. Paul Spierings (Koekoeksgaard)…

Landscape contribution: €222 for nature foundation Kadans in Nederasselt

Although our route runs right past it, pilgrims will not know the area. Out of sight, but not out of mind!
Stevenskerk door Bart Kouwenberg

Landscape contribution: €750 for Stevens Church

We were able to transfer €750 to our starting and ending point as a contribution to the maintenance of the church.
Vereniging Nederlands Cultuurlandschap

Germination: €250 for the Dutch Cultural Landscape Association

In the run-up to International Earth Day, we had a nice inspirational walk about germination. We donate the proceeds of that day plus some extras to the Dutch Cultural Landscape Association: an enthusiastic club that has been committed to our…
Ricardo Bodemzicht

€555,- for worm castings

In her boots, Anne van Leeuwen of Bodemzicht led us to her regenerative field in Malden. She crouched down by a clump of tall grass to push away some grass with one hand and point with the other: "Look, worm poop!" We leaned down to the…
De Diepen Milsbeek perenboom

Pear tree on pilgrimage

We don't experience that every day: a pear tree on a pilgrimage. From the Waalgaard stop in Weurt to the Diepen stop in Milsbeek. Food forest and picking garden De Diepen Milsbeek pear tree Our staging area de Waalgaard in Weurt turns…
Steenuil door Jacqueline Kuppen

Landscape contribution: €555 for the Dutch Society for the Protection of Birds

Photo by Bart Kouwenberg, b-art photography Nijmegen. And again, thanks to donations from pilgrims for our starter kits, we were able to do something good for nature: €555 for the Bird Protection Society. With 160,000 members, this Dutch…
Walk of Wisdom by Jan Alers

Landscape contribution: €555 for Gelderland Nature Fund

Thank you pilgrims! Thanks to your contributions for our starter packs, we were able to transfer €555 to the Gelderland Nature Fund of the Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen this weekend. With this fund, Het Landschap wants to purchase…
Oude kerktoren Afferden

Landscape contribution: €250 for the old church tower Afferden

From every pilgrim who registers for our starter pack , we save for the landscape along the route: the nature and culture on the Walk of Wisdom. We have now transferred €250 of the 2022 registrations to the foundation that manages the old…