Stubborn Mariken Monday: photos and result
On the Monday in the Vierdaagsefeesten we organised a sponsored run in front of the Stevenskerk, the start and end point of our route. We called the day Stubborn Mariken Monday.
In the medieval story, Mariken breaks with the devil Moenen after seven years. Furious, he throws her down from high above the church. She survives and goes on a pilgrimage to Rome. On Mariken Monday we gave it our own twist. With us, Mariken breaks with the devil to walk the Walk of Wisdom , in search of her own wisdom.
Total raised: €625,-, of which €282 for the action of Mayor Bruls, who walks one meter further on the Walk of Wisdom for every Euro. So he has to walk 282 meters and has a year to do this. That’s probably doable.
60 people participated, including the entire board of the Vierdaagsefeesten. Photographer Jan Willem de Venster took the photos above for the Vierdaagsefeesten 2016.
The Nijmegen print 2012 was raffled off among all participants and sponsors: Mariken as a Falconer by Marjoke Schulten. The print was made available by Intermedi-Art Kunstzaken and was won by Elly Koopman from Friesland: congratulations!
Thanks to Top op Hoogte and Bokker Events for the stunt with Mariken, Monica Wagner and Lidia van Engeland for the music, supported by Drum Café Benelux (Patrick Tromp). Thanks also to troubadour Jan Willem van Opstal for playing a beautiful devil, Petra Peters for playing the modern Mariken and Marjolein Pieks for playing the Medieval Mariken. Tower keeper Peter Kuijpers made the ringing of the bell possible and Stevenier Maria Martens provided a warm welcome.
The photos below were taken by Elly Koopman, the winner of the Nijmegen Print 2012.