Spinoza Prize winner and meditation teacher Henk Barendregt

Henk BarendregtMathematics professor and meditation teacher Henk Barendregt has become a forerunner of the Walk of Walk of Wisdom. In 2002, the holder of the chair of mathematics and computer science, who works in Nijmegen, was awarded the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands for his work on lambda calculus, among other things. In recent years, he has been actively involved in scientific research into mindfulness.

Henk Barendregt teaches courses in Vipassana, a Buddhist meditation that aims to help the practitioner to become free through insight and meditation. True happiness, according to this perspective, cannot be obtained by things outside of us or by seeking satisfaction from ever-changing needs.

The eminent professor, like the other forerunners, will write a page for our pilgrim’s book. We can’t wait to hear what he has to tell us!

Lowlands University 2013 – Special Report Henk Barendregt from Coolpolitics on Vimeo.