Sow summer!
Together with Bijen Dichter and Ontfermberm, we will sow the summer in at Oortjeshekken on Friday 22 April at 10.30 am. That Friday is ‘Earth Day’ and on a piece of the verge of our route we are sowing summer blooms for bees and butterflies. A nice advance on our Summer Pilgrimage sponsor run for the landscape. Flower seeds and rakes will be provided. Participants will receive a bag of seeds to take home to continue sowing. We meet at 10.30 am (where?).
The Bees Closer Foundation is an initiative of five beekeepers who are committed to a thriving Ooijpolder and Duffelt. They inspire, advise and inform through public actions and the management of an educational apiary. During the Summer Pilgrimage you can walk in front of a bee tree that is managed by these beekeepers. More information:
Ontfermberm – Feldrain als Blumenhain is a cross-border Dutch-German initiative of people who clean up their immediate living environment, make it more beautiful and make it flourishing. Anyone can adopt a verge. For the locations see this special Ontfermberm map: The initiative will also sow seeds in Niel and Keeken this Friday.
More about the Summer Pilgrimage.