Running on a theme


In the meantime, three pilgrims have announced that they will walk on a theme. Walter Hamers, chairman of the board of the Four Days Marches Festivities, was the first: he announced that he would be running on the theme of “freedom”. Graddie Meijer from Heerenveen then indicated that he was walking on “peace” and troubadour Jan-Willem van Opstal from Nijmegen on the theme of “letting go and resignation”. 

We think this is an interesting development. By tuning in to a theme, the emphasis of walking may shift from a journey outside, somewhere, to see, to a journey inwards. That’s exactly what a pilgrimage route is for. At the Walk of Wisdom , we can only help create the right conditions for this. The meaning of the route is up to people. A pilgrimage route adds a bit of symbolic connection and the chance of a good conversation along the way. On that theme, for example. 

Below is Jan Willem’s blog about his theme. 

On Sunday I will leave with at least fifty pilgrims to join this brand new Nijmegen tradition. A pilgrimage that connects people regardless of origin, race, gender or (religious) beliefs. I’m going to walk this pilgrimage on the theme of letting go, acceptance and gratitude. Letting go of old hurts, accepting that things in life sometimes turn out differently than I had planned them and accepting that it is always good for something and that in the end things will go the way they should. “It’s going to work out, if not, then anyway!” And gratitude because, despite everything, I count my blessings.



Photo: Els Groffen.