Refugee vigil by Stichting Gast (peace week)


Refugee vigil with a.o. Qader Shafiq

On Monday 21 September from 18.00h, Stichting Gast organises a refugee evening in the Sint Nicolaaskapel in the Valkhofpark. The event is part of our seven-day peace vigil around the world peace flame (Learn more).

The Gast Foundation wants to let refugees speak for themselves at a time when the media is mainly full of stories about them. Everyone is welcome to come and listen to their perspective. 

There is a picnic at 18:00 (bring food and drinks, no alcohol). Refugees will tell their story from 7.30 pm, interspersed with music by Karel Bosman.

After 22.00h Qader Shafiq talks about his recent trip to Afghanistan with Arnon Grunberg. 

From 24:00 onwards, the “Hour of the Wolf” begins with spoken and sung hope, despair, protest, encouragement and solidarity. Opportunity to light candles and lanterns as a sign of hope and solidarity around the chapel.

From  00.30 am to 8 am silent vigil around the flame of peace, conversation and meeting in a slumber state.

Full program: see link