Rain, cowpats and an angel. Report of pilgrim 292


Rain, cowpats and an angel

On  October 12 to 17 I walk the pilgrimage route with my husband, we walk a lot so we think, that’s going to be it! But that is a bit disappointing in the good sense of the word, we really enjoy the many hills and the climbs. The beautiful forest and the beautiful meadows. The narrow paths and the cows that make us laugh, because it is a concern not to slip.

Also sometimes we search for our place to stay because it gets dark early this time of year, but the pilgrim sign (which we call angel) brings us in before dark. It’s great how we are received and everyone wants to bring us closer to the route. It gives us such a warm feeling that everyone cares about us, because it’s raining, but that’s part of the job in the Netherlands, it doesn’t bother us.

All in all it was a great week and we who have been married for 44 years got to know each other even better and in every chapel or thanksgiving place we lit a candle to say how happy we are with each other, and we gave thanks for these beautiful days. Dear people of the Walk of Wisdom you have put a beautiful path on the map, thank you here for this, best regards

Erika Out-Broekema.    (hiker no. 292 )