Psychotherapy practice de Vrije Ruimte sponsors 5 kilometers

Psychotherapie-de-Vrije-Ruimte.jpgThankful! Psychotherapy practice de Vrije Ruimte in Nijmegen has made 5 kilometers of the Walk of Wisdom possible. Practice owner Joost Willems recently started offering pyschotherapy and mindfulness at the Hindestraat in Nijmegen and wanted to give us a lot of support in the development of the route. 

Joost Willems has been giving therapy for 20 years and mindfulness training for 10 years. He is inspired by Tibetan Buddhism. Compassion for yourself and others, meditation and humor are key words in his practice. Joost Willems works three days a week as a therapist at Pro Persona and the other two days he develops his own practice, the Vrije Ruimte. More information:

Would you also like to make 100 meters or more possible? Have a look here. We could really use your help!
