Project developer and philanthropist Fred Matser forerunner

Fred Matser

Fred Matser 2008The philanthropist and former project developer Fred Matser is going to write a page for our book of hours and pilgrims and will be the forerunner of the Walk of Wisdom.

At a young age, Fred Matser took over his father’s company that developed many projects in the Utrecht area, such as the Galgenwaard stadium. But he didn’t feel like a real businessman: “I liked the game, but I don’t think the marbles are mine in the end. I was of the opinion that I was merely in charge of the money. That was also the view of my father, who, despite the wealth, always continued to live in half of the double house where the family had moved in 1948. He silently helped people who needed help.”

Fred Matser eventually sold the company and started working for charities all over the world. He prefers to call himself a ‘humanitarian’ rather than a philanthropist and is inspired by the idea that the divine is infinitely present in and around us. According to him, chaos in the world is a reflection of chaos in our heads – when we free our hearts, we also solve the problems in the world.

Fred Matser’s sense of humor and positive attitude are evident in his ́Twinkling eyes ́ club ́: in his own words the only non-exclusive club in the world because anyone can become a member of it just like all people are part of life on earth. With the Fred Foundation, he focuses on small-scale projects in the environment and health care, always looking at how he can prevent a dependency relationship.

“I saw the Germans and the Americans running around in Africa trying to help the people there. And I was also one of those army of aid workers running around. We were in such a hurry, because we had to help. There I learned that you have to be patient, that you can only really help people if you have respect for them, if you want to see them as equals. Only then will people be able to exchange information and accept interventions. That has everything to do with mutual trust.”

We are happy that someone who dares to go his own way and uses material wealth for immaterial purposes wants to share some of his inspiration with us.

Photo: Sjaak Ramakers


Review and interview in Trouw:
Fred Foundation website
Fred Matser website