preacher of Charity: in memoriam Christiane Berkvens-Stevelinck

Christiane Berkvens-Stevelinck

“A sea of dreams raged in me” – these words were included in the obituary of our ambassador of the first hour Christiane Berkvens-Stevelinck.

Before the opening of the route, Christiane wrote a contribution to our contemporary book of hours and pilgrims Seasons of Life. That contribution was about Love, for which she dedicated her life as a preacher to the Remonstrants. God was the name of that Love for her, a word to which she was not attached. Remonstrants are a very liberal Christian religious community that also accepts sources of inspiration outside of Christianity.

I will never forget how warmly Christiane welcomed us in 2014 in her apartment in the center of Rotterdam. I knew her as a freelance ritual counselor for a wide audience (Mother Superior) and from the booklet Free Rituals: Shaping Life (link). She wanted to think – con amore – about how we could ritually shape the Walk of Wisdom .

With six aspiring pilgrims we went to Rotterdam where she welcomed us as if we were indeed going on a pilgrimage soon. Each of us expressed what we were doing at that moment in our lives. Christiane thought along with interest and with a lot of space about how you could give that meaningful shape during a pilgrimage.

Her advice: choose key moments on your journey where you consciously reflect on what is going on inside you. Together, we came up with five: (1) Well before you leave. (2) At the time of departure. (3) Somewhere halfway. (4) At the end. (5) A time after you have completed the route.

A wise advice, which we have not yet used to its full potential. The departure ceremonies are a start, as is the logbook halfway at the Lady Chapel of Alverna. To be continued Christiane, we are on our way!

Thank you for your warm interest
Thank you for your constructive messages now and then
Thank you for being an ambassador for the Walk of Wisdom
Thank you for being an ambassador for Love – with whatever language or sign.

You were a beautiful person!

More about Christiane on Wikipedia: link
More about the Remonstrants: link