Petra van Bloemendaal illustrates our new book
We are happy: Petra van Bloemendaal is making the illustrations for our new pilgrim book of hours On the Way to Wisdom. Petra’s style is colorful and playful. In doing so, she adds cheerfulness and creativity to the stories of our pilgrims.

Petra previously illustrated our manual for the modern pilgrim and our first pilgrimage book of hours Seasons of Life . Petra always works closely with designer Anne Louman, with whom she also designs the new book. Both work together in design agency Louman & Friso in Nijmegen.

Petra usually approaches her subject first from intuition on cardboard or paper. With the help of paint, markers, pencils or pen, she casts her impressions and inspirations into lines and colours. She then continues to do so digitally. We ourselves are happy with her work, in which nature – flowers, animals – often plays an important role.

More about Petra van Bloemendaal
Check out Petra’s website for more examples of her work: link.
More about our new book On the Way to Wisdom.