Outside your comfort zone – report by pilgrim Joke Greep
After Joke came home from her 5-day pilgrimage, she had to put her thoughts on paper. It had been so overwhelming and fantastic. She wanted to hold on to that feeling so badly:
I went way out of my comfort zone. I jumped in at the deep end. We walked in silence and I cried in silence too. I also did the latter, more than I would like, in company and that was just possible. With all strangers, each with their own story. Understanding each other, listening to each other. We overcame a lot of height differences, but I also went into a lot of depth.
There was respect for each other, a helping hand where needed, connectedness. Solutions were sought and found. I have taken off a backpack, but I still have many more to go, but a start has been made.
I’ve met wonderful people. Along the way, I grew wings. Was that perhaps because of the Angel cards, which gave an extra dimension to the journey?
I surprised myself. I’ve walked in extreme heat.
I’ve tried sleeping outside. Unfortunately, this was not possible due to the mosquitoes and the cold. We did enjoy the beautiful starry sky.
I’ve pushed my boundaries and gone beyond them. I dared to ask for and receive help. When I was offered help, I was able to accept it. That’s not always easy. I also learned to receive a compliment.
I enjoyed the beautiful route, the delicious food, the special overnight stays.
The Walk of Wisdom is a life path, a very beautiful path, which is made even more special by the encounters along the way.
I am happy and grateful to have taken on this challenge. This experience has made me richer and I will cherish it for the rest of my life.
Thanks to Manja and Thomas, my fellow pilgrims and the people along the way.