Our little guide to the modern pilgrim is almost ready

Last week, illustrator Petra van Bloemendaal submitted her illustrations for our ‘little guide for a modern pilgrim’. The manual is inspired by the poem by Frouke Arns, with which she opened our pioneering route around Nijmegen in 2015.
The manual invites you to reflect on five natural moments for reflection during a pilgrimage: preparation, departure, halfway, finish and a time afterwards. The manual is available free of charge on our website as an ‘infographic’: an interactive and illustrated PDF or internet page.
Expected release: June 2020.
More about Petra van Bloemendaal: link.
Small Guide for the Modern Pilgrim
Take a selfie before you leave and let
your mobile phone for what it is. Now you’re alone
Accessible to yourself. Your own battery needs to be charged.
You fall in the footsteps of those who went before you and yet
this tour feels like new. Travel light-footed. A map your guide
on which the outline of a pigeon in full flight marks the way.
Be recognizable by your luggage, which is hardly any, most of it
Carry yourself in your head and heart, that old sculpture garden. Add birds
that sit on wires like a score. Decipher
the song composed for you. Thread the rings onto your cord.
After days across the fields, approach your destination.
The distance slowly lets you go of the swaying landscape.
Take another selfie when you get home. Spot the differences.
You’ve come this far.
Frouke Arns