Next Saturday another “pilgrim’s lauds”
Saturday is another early reflection before departure: the pilgrim lauds. The pilgrim’s lauds are inspired by the Liturgy of the Hours of Christian monasteries, but are independent of any religion and revolve around a text from Seasons of Life: a contemporary book of hours and pilgrims.
In this book, well-known and unknown Dutch people talk about an important experience in their lives. Their contributions are illustrated with miniatures: small works of art made especially for this book by modern artists. A special edition of the book – with all the original works of art – is located in the Stevens Church and is the center of the pilgrim lauds.
The pilgrim’s lauds are free to attend, last fifteen minutes and are as quiet as possible, with the exception of reading a story from the book.
Location: Stevenskerk, Stevenskerkhof 64, Nijmegen.
Start time: 06.48h
Reader on duty: Ivan Beemster, the creator of our website (Lijndiensten)
Stevenspedel: Theo van Stiphout. He directs the pilgrim lauds.
Be on time: the pilgrim’s lauds start at sunrise at 6:48 a.m.! The light of day is just coming up, the city lights are flashing out. Time for reflection and a contemplative start to your trip or day.
More: link