New series of silent walks


From Sunday 5 February, our new series of ten silent walks will start. Every first Sunday of the month, we walk around the entire 136-kilometre-long Walk of Walk of Wisdom in ten stages.

Silent walk Walk of Walk of Wisdom - Ooypoort by Marja Hakkoer
Ooypoort by Marja Hakkoer

Walk around the entire Walk of Wisdom in silence in ten stages in one year. Together with 10 to a maximum of 25 others, you will walk through beautiful and versatile nature under the guidance of two friendly volunteers. There will be an opportunity for exchange during the break. The volunteers choose a number of texts for reflection. The proceeds of the walks go to nature.

You can participate in the whole series, but also with a separate walk. The distance of the silent walks is 12 to 15 kilometers. The speed of walking is different: one of the volunteers is in front and one is behind. At the breaks, the group comes back together.

Registration and detail

– Register via this link by ordering a ticket.
– Single ticket: €10,-. Whole series: €50,- Possibly. Sign up for a discounted starter pack (€17.50 + postage)
– The proceeds go to nature.
– Start between 10.00 am and 11.00 am. Meet at Nijmegen central station for train/bus.
– A week in advance you will receive the details by email from our volunteers Vivian and Marja.

Questions? Mail [email protected].
Photo: Marja Hakkoer.

All dates at a glance:

15-2-2023Nijmegen – Beek Ubbergen
25-3-2023Beek Ubbergen – Kranenburg
32-4-2023Kranenburg – Plasmolen
47-5-2023Plasmolen – Malden
54-6-2023Malden – Nederasselt
62-7-2023Nederasselt – Ravenstein
76-8-2023Ravenstein – Wijchen
83-9-2023Wijchen – Afferden
91-10-2023Afferden – Beuningen
105-11-2023Beuningen – Nijmegen

More about the new series of silent walks

More about the silent walks.