Natuurmonumenten collection for wild flowers – we’re in!

Collecte Natuurmonumenten

This week you have a chance that one of our volunteers will ring your doorbell to collect for Natuurmonumenten. A few of us participate as collectors. From the money we save from the starter packages (landscape contribution) we already transfer €150. Do you also give?

From the press release of Natuurmonumenten:

For wildflowers

“Wildflowers are disappearing from our landscape. The number is declining at a dramatic rate. And that’s a big problem. Wildflowers are the foundation of a healthy nature. Without flowers, there are no insects. And insects are an important food source for many birds. Natuurmonumenten wants to give wildflowers space again. That is why we are collecting for more wildflowers in the Netherlands this year. From 23 to 29 June, our thousands of volunteers will take to the streets. Do you give too?

News item collection wildflowers

What causes wildflowers to disappear?

A hundred years ago, the Netherlands was still full of wild flowers. They coloured our landscape and were home to insects and birds. You could pick a field bouquet on any roadside and there was plenty of room to grow and bloom on fields and meadows, along paths and roads. Of the space that wild plants had in 1900, only 6 percent remains. In 2019, our country looks completely different and few places are suitable for wildflowers.

What do we do with your contribution?

With your contribution to our collection, we can make the Netherlands bloom again. We make way for wildflowers; along roads, in gardens and in the countryside. Within our nature reserves, but especially outside of them. We sow flowers in picking meadows, butterfly idylls or on food fields. Where there are wildflowers, there are insects. Where there are wildflowers, there is nature. If you donate to the collector, you will help us to make the Netherlands bloom again.

Thank you in advance for your donation. Did you miss the collector?