Mayor of Nijmegen supports WoW
The chief of staff of the municipality of Nijmegen announced this week that Hubert Bruls, mayor of Nijmegen, will take a seat on the committee of recommendation of the Walk of Wisdom. He also contributes to the contemporary book of hours and pilgrims Seasons of Life.
We are very pleased with this formidable expression of support for the new pilgrimage route and sincerely hope that it will contribute to a meaningful development. From the summer of 2015 onwards, we want the route to start from the Stevenskerk in Nijmegen during the annual summer exhibition. At the moment we are putting the finishing touches to the project plan and the budget and then from November we will go ‘to the farmer’ to raise funds. With the excellent networker and amiable mayor of the Keizer Karelstad in our committee of recommendation, this becomes a little easier.
To be continued.