Latest developments: New Year’s newsletter
“Detached from lack and time / Ultimately touches what you miss the most”
These are the words that Cees van der Pluim writes in Seasons of Life, the Book of Hours and PilgrimsWith which we will open the ‘Walk of Wisdom’ this summer. Detached from time. That’s what Cees is now: he’s dead. He died a few months after writing his contribution.
Cees writes about the delayed happiness you can experience beyond the goals and grand gestures of your life. That happiness is often still, hidden.
Detached from lack and time – that’s what pilgrimage is all about. You walk away from your daily routine in search of a space that is often hidden by the speed and hustle and bustle of modern times. Hidden in the silence of the forest, the heath, in the chance encounters with others who also decided to make time for reflection.
Cees is now our second author to pass away. Seasons of Life come not only in cycles, but also at the end. I wish that our other writers I was able to experience a lot more. Below is a selection of the Latest, alive and kicking developments of the route.
All the best and much wisdom in 2015.
Damien, Chairman and Pilgrim Pioneer
walk of wisdom.