In 2020 our pilgrim lace will be made from corque
We are making our starter kit for the pilgrimage more sustainable. Developer Manja Bente found an alternative for the leather we use now and looks as nice.
Manja abhors the chemicals that are used with making leather and the bad working conditions for labourers. Being a vegan herself was an extra motivation. Quite some years passed when she originally designed the lace, fond of the natural look of leather and its seasoning in time…
Manja didn’t like fake leather, because it is, well, fake, and the production is very pollutant. Her daughter suggested to use corque and after several months of research and experiment corque it will be.
- We ordered our first 1001 meter of corque laces and our volunteers will start to work diligently to turn them into pilgrim laces (gratitude for that!). We import the corque laces from Portugal via the Dutch small company called who also sells other products made from corque.
Next step: a sustainable alternative for our steel pin of our symbool Pelgrim . Tot be continued!