Goodbye Ben Teunissen!
We are sad to announce that one of our markers has passed away: Ben Teunissen. Ben had been faithfully keeping track of our route in the Ooijpolder with a pruning knife for a few years. The grass grows quite luxuriantly here and Ben kept an eye on things every season to keep the markings visible. With great care, he also took care of reports of missing signs or blocked paths. He even sent us a report of the work done (see photos!).
Ben was a retired teacher (art subjects) and moved four years ago with his wife Carla to the Ooij, a village at the beginning of our route. He was an experienced pilgrim who wrote, among other things, a book about the journey to Rome and Bari, and recently a more contemplative pilgrimage book: it (always) works out: pilgrims become a bit of a philosopher, together with Ruud Bruggeman. We still regularly use a photo of his Walk of Wisdom trip with his wife Carla for press photos.
He was still very much alive and was never really sick. Two weeks ago, however, he suddenly got a chest pinch. His wife Carla immediately escorted him to the hospital, where the cardiograms looked really good. While waiting for further examination, one of their sons came to visit the hospital worried, “I’m not going to die anyway, don’t worry!” soothed Ben. Not much later he collapsed and it was over. Presumably, a rupture in his aorta proved fatal to him.
We will miss Ben’s generous commitment and good-natured energy. His death was completely unexpected. Good luck to Carla in coping with the sensitive loss!
More about Ben Teunissen
More about Ben Teunissen on his website ‘the way of the Franks’: link.