Germination: €250 for the Dutch Cultural Landscape Association

Vereniging Nederlands Cultuurlandschap

In the run-up to International Earth Day, we had a nice inspirational walk about germination. We donate the proceeds of that day plus some extras to the Dutch Cultural Landscape Association: an enthusiastic club that has been committed to our landscape for many years.

The beauty of our earth and the fact that I can walk on it gives me the ability to germinate.
(participant inspiration walk).

Dutch Cultural Landscape Association

Delta Plan for the Landscape

In their ‘delta plan for the landscape’, farmers, citizens and nature conservationists work together to create a beautiful landscape, something that the association demonstrates brilliantly in the major restoration project of the Ooijpolder. A very successful land redevelopment that also includes the Walk of Wisdom .

Germination is trust in space. participant inspiration walk)

A large amount of money has been set aside for thirty years to pay farmers for the construction and maintenance of hedges along ditches and field edges. In this way, connections were created between nature reserves (fauna passages) everywhere, resulting in an enormous growth in biodiversity. Hikers were also given beautiful new farmland paths along those hedges, which we gratefully use during the Walk of Wisdom .

A good example of the germination power of nature, but also of human cooperation and vision. We like to contribute something and are therefore a member of the association. Today we are doing something extra with the money we save from the registrations for our starter packs: our landscape contribution.

You germinate when you are in the right place (soil) at the right time. To find out which place and what time you should have? That is a process, which sometimes takes time. Finding silence within myself, helps me walk, into nature, being in the now and with the small eventually brings me to the place of germination. (participant inspiration walk)

More about the Delta Plan for the landscape

Also check out the website of the Dutch Cultural Landscape: link. And if you like their mission: become a member!

Germination is daring to choose your soul’s desire