Financial statements 2015 published


As Walk of Wisdom , we like to account for our income and expenses. That is why we have published annual accounts for 2015. You can read it here . The Walk of Wisdom does not receive a subsidy and wants to be self-sufficient with the sale of starter kits and friend contributions.

2015 Earnings Summary

In 2015, almost €12,000 was raised through the sale of starter kits and more than €10,000 through the crowdfunding campaign ‘100 meters of wisdom’ and an opening contribution.

The main partners were Intermedi-Art Kunstzaken, Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas, the Stevenskerk and design agency Louman&Friso. The main sponsors were the Triodos Foundation, MHB kozijnen and psychopraktijk de Vrije Ruimte (overview of main partners and sponsors).

Summary of 2015 Expenditure

The largest cost items in 2015 were the materials for the starter packages for pilgrims (€10,000), office costs such as rent, telephone and website (almost €4,000), an allowance for the almost full-time work of pioneer Damiaan (€3,600) and the costs for the opening on 21 June 2015 (€3,000).

Figures 2016

For the year 2016 we have about €13,000 income from starter packages until October 1st. The income through the friend contributions is still a bit disappointing at about €900; We could really use a helping hand in this regard.

Want to become friends?We have raised about €5,000 for landscape projects along the route, such as the opening of the start and end point of the Stevenskerk, a new pedestrian bridge in the Duivelsberg nature reserve, a wildlife tunnel in Mook, a new bee tree and the Bird Atlas.

Would you like to help us with the maintenance and further development of the Walk of Wisdom? A friend contribution is welcome via this link. Thank you!

Photo: opening Walk of Wisdom on 21 June 2015 by Saskia Janssen with troubadour Jan Willem van Opstal.

Photo hands pilgrims: Jan Heijmans

Full financial statements

Strategic plan 2015-2017

Friends Campaign 2016