Dearest darling: in memoriam Dineke de Velde Harsenhorst
“What do I have to do to be there?”
We are sad to announce that on Saturday morning, November 16, Dineke de Velde Harsenhorst passed away. Dineke, who has inspired many a ceremony and meeting of the Walk of Wisdom with her self-written songs. She could no longer stand the loneliness in her own soul.
We will miss her warm voice and the mystical language with which she managed to broaden the here and now into a trail of wonder and togetherness.
We would like to share a video of her in which she says:
“I’m walking in the woods, free from everything I have to do and didn’t start, and suddenly I’m […] earth, I am tree. I’m sun. I feel my body. […]
And I mumble: ‘dear, sweetheart, darling…’ To no one in particular and yet also to everything and everyone, including myself, I am one of them. “
Then, from minute 2:20 she sings a beautiful song and the people sing it along with her: