Philosophising about wisdom on the Walk of Wisdom
News, selection, The media about us
'On the way to wisdom' is a nine-episode program at Omroep Gelderland and will be recorded on the Walk of Wisdom. Klaas Drupsteen walks the route and meets nine well-known Gelderlanders with whom he talks about wisdom. The first guest is,…

“On pilgrimage to a sustainable life” – the Walk of Wisdom in the Jacobstaf
News, selection, Stories from our editors, The media about us
In the magazine of Santiago pilgrims - the Jacob's staff - there is an extensive article by pioneer Damiaan Messing about the origins of the Walk of Walk of Wisdom in a special issue about pilgrimage and sustainability. Download the pdf of…

Birgit van Onna about her Walk of Wisdom in the Margriet
News, The media about us
Our pilgrim (and volunteer!) Birgit van Onna is extensively portrayed about her Walk of Walk of Wisdom in Margriet's walking and cycling special. It's available in stores now. Or check out this link.
Here's the interview:
Walking special…

Believing in the road – interview
Stories from our editors, The media about us
Hinde Joldersma walked the Walk of Walk of Wisdom last year and had a meeting in the 18th century pilgrim monastery in Velp (near Grave, N-Br.) that reminded her of an important life goal, for which she turned her life around after walking…

Walk of Wisdom wins big regional prize
News, selection, The media about us
Our Walk of Wisdom won the people's award in the election of the Gelderland province for quality of landscape. The jury selected us to the top five, but awarded it's jury prize to a smart city project in Arnhem resurfacing an old river…

Pilgrim’s report Dineke de Velde Harsenhorst in magazine Speling
News, selection, Stories from pilgrims, The media about us
The theological/mystical scientific journal Speling has published a story by one of our pilgrims and musician at the departure ceremonies: poet and songwriter Dineke de Velde Harsenhorst.
"Slack is looking for contemporary spirituality and…

“In the Reichswald I feel like Little Red Riding Hood among the tall trees” (pilgrim Corrie Kelders in Content Magazine)
selection, Stories from pilgrims, The media about usPilgrim Corrie Kelders walked the Walk of Wisdom and wrote a Foot and Good Walking story about it for Content Magazine:
Photography: Susan Peeters

Ireen enjoys her Walk of Walk of Wisdom to the fullest
selection, Stories from pilgrims, The media about us
Hikers with a happy look in their eyes. You can pick them out in no time, they walk the Walk of Wisdom, writes Annet Kooijmans in an article in the weekly newspaper Via Groesbeek.
She did a short interview with pilgrim Ireen van der Lande.…

“Space in the head” – nice article in the Gelderlander
News, The media about usDe Gelderlander wrote an extensive article about the Walk of Wisdom in a walking special with an interview with Manja Bente, co-developer of the pilgrimage route.
"Manja Bente (55) grew up in nature, in a hippie family in the clay polders of…

Omroep Gelderland films at the Departure Ceremony
News, selection, The media about usWhat a beautiful departure ceremony it was yesterday (Saturday) in the Valkhof Chapel in Nijmegen. There were no less than twenty pilgrims who Walk of Wisdom this way Started. With a lot of goodbyes, nice music from
Dineke De Velde Harsenhorst