Blogs and articles from our editors

The Alchemy of a Flame – by René van Nieuwkuijk

In 1999, a fire was lit in Wales with flames from seven continents as a symbol of peace and brotherhood. The live flames had been flown over in aircraft of the Ministry of Defence. A miner's lamp lit with this fire was carried over the 136…

Prefer a Russian in the kitchen … (peace recital by Jeroen van Zuylen)

Jeroen van Zuylen wore the {tip World Peace Flame on Thursday 24 September::Ignited in Wales in 1999 from living fire from seven continents. Salient detail: the fire was often flown over in planes of the air force}world peace flame{/tip} from…

Walking for Peace; A reflection

It is the Week of Peace. Throughout the country, various activities around peace are organized. For example, this week I walked along with the world peace flame that is carried over the Walk of Wisdom and organized a celebration around that…

Peace as a struggle

   "Shun evil, do what is right, pursue peace, pursue it." (Psalm 34:15)   PEACE AS A STRUGGLE During the week of 19 to 27 September, peace week will be celebrated in the Netherlands. For a week, we are called upon to reflect…

For peace and my father

On Sunday 20 September, Moniek Huijding will carry the flame of peace from Huize Wylerberg in Beek-Ubbergen to Hell/the Canadian War Cemetery. Below, she explains why. Accompany? Watch here On October 8, 2012 my father, Gerard Huijding, passed…

Exhibition pilgrim’s Book of Hours

Until 23 August there is a special exhibition in the Stevens Church in Nijmegen, including our pilgrim book of hours Seasons of Life: the Summer Exhibition. Below are some miniatures from the book. The exhibition is freely accessible and open…

Walking without a destination

In preparation for a hiking trail next spring, I read the following quote: "A good traveler doesn't know where he's going, a perfect traveler doesn't know where he comes from." The quote sounded familiar to me. Not because I had ever seen it…

Walking in the line of a bird

Anja Strik is one of the first 10 pilgrims to complete the 136 kilometers of the Walk of Walk of Wisdom . Below is her report. Last Sunday, eight days after the opening ceremony, I walked the last km's of the Walk of Wisdom. It was from…

Thunder speech Jan Terlouw – opening Walk of Wisdom (uncut)

 June 21, 2015 - st Stevens church Nijmegen- I was allowed to make a video for " Walk of Wisdom " Suddenly there was Jan Terlouw and with the soft voice of a wise man who doesn't need to shout 400 people became silent. I don't want to…

‘Out of the box’ – Reflection Désanne van Brederode on the opening Walk of Wisdom

Dear attendees, All of you are familiar with the expression "out-of-the-box" thinking. 'Out-of-the-box' thinking is not much different than approaching a theme imaginatively, creatively, originally, spontaneously and ideally also unpredictably…