Autumn kiss from a pilgrim from Amsterdam
“This autumn kiss is a symbol for all the ‘kisses’ I received on this walk of wisdom kisses.
Kissed by the silence, the beauty, the peace, the animals, the skies, the water, sunbeams and flowers, the emptiness and the volte, nice girlfriend company, the views and insights and more…
I took this photo on our second to last walking day on October 22, 2018. Autumn arrived. A big kiss for Ammie Span who asked me to make this trip with her. Me from Amsterdam and she from Nijmegen with a nice place to stay.
Because the trip is so beautifully plotted, the kilometers went easier than I estimated beforehand. It has given me renewed confidence in my body and legs that can handle so many kilometers.
I’m inspired to go hiking more often. Thank you for your great initiative and lets Walk in Beauty where we can.”
Joke Goedhart, Amsterdam
(Pilgrim 2549)