A tattoo as a memory – report by Willie van Gurp


“Hello lovely people of the Walk….” Willie van Gurp from Zwolle registered as the 15,048th pilgrim this summer. Afterwards, he emailed us this heartwarming report. With the touching announcement that he had the symbol of the Walk of Wisdom tattooed on his calf. We are silent…
Thank you for your appreciation Willie, that gives us courage!

Hello lovely people of the Walk….

I too have been able to walk your fantastic pilgrimage.
My wish was to be completely on my own for a few days, without the influence of others to organize my own day.
I like to walk a lot, that’s why after a search for something nice I ended up at the Walk of Wisdom.

I enjoyed it so much.

In the beginning I had to get used to the feeling of walking and nothing else. Fortunately, I got used to one foot in front of the other very quickly and for hours and enjoying the surroundings and the moment, great.
Walking alone for hours and occasionally greeting mostly oncoming hikers.
I had great hiking weather. Mostly sunny and about 15-20 degrees. It couldn’t be better.

The route is great and the surroundings of Nijmegen beautiful. Everything that makes the Netherlands so beautiful, I encountered on the route. Floodplains, forests, heathland, water, hills, beautiful towns and villages and much more!
I walked alone for hours and hours. How nice it was to experience that. And every now and then a nice conversation with someone who crosses my path.
I can only say one thing: It was fantastic! And I still think back to my trip with great pleasure.
Thank you for this beautiful trip. It’s a special moment in my life, that’s why I got the symbol of the draft tattooed on my calf!

With kind and wise regards,
Willie van Gurp
Registration number 15.048