A new bridge at Heerlijkheid Beek
By Manja Bente, coordinator of the Walk of Wisdom
I read in the Nijmegen weekly De Brug that someone was angry about the bridge in the Heerlijkheid Beek. It is a small bridge that goes over a very small stream. There was a somewhat old bridge that completely merged into nature and suddenly it was replaced by a striking metal bridge.
The Walk of Wisdom also crosses that bridge. It is a bridge about which there is a lot to say. And let’s be honest, is the woman who criticized the new bridge right? Or is Gelders Landschap right that tastes differ?
I went to have a look and found this at the bridge:
There was so much comment on the new steel bridge that it has disappeared again and made way for a wooden bridge!
See the article in De Gelderlander.