Wanted: Treasurer for the Walk of Wisdom
After Angelien Reith approved the 2020 annual report and the budget for 2021, she felt that her job at the Walk of Wisdom was done. The foundation has matured, financially healthy as well (see: annual report 2020 and outlook 2021). We gratefully…
Et cetera, but my real goal is to stop ticking boxes (pilgrim Gerson van Luijk)
Stories from pilgrims
By Gerson van Luijk
Bison Bay. The hardest thing for me is to slow down. Take your time. To stand still just to stand still and look, to feel, to smell. The world sometimes seems to be all about yourself and it can feel selfish to become…
Series ‘On the way to wisdom’ at Omroep Max
News, The media about us
Omroep Max has decided to broadcast the series 'On the way to wisdom' in full! Program maker Klaas Drupsteen (of Omroep Gelderland) walks the Walk of Wisdom and every time a well-known Gelderlander walks with him.
The guests Klaas invited…
The story of the departure ceremony (7): ‘At the speed of the seasons’.
The Departure Ceremony/Pilgrim's Lauden of the Walk of Wisdom on April 3 in the Stevenskerk in Nijmegen was unfortunately cancelled due to corona. Thus, the contribution of pilgrim Jeroen van Zuylen, the text of Doeka, is a pseudonym of the…
A journey within, Rebekka van den Brink
News, Stories from our editors, Stories from pilgrims
Text and photos: Rebekka van den Brink
There I was in front of the Stevenskerk in Nijmegen. So here I would have to register as a pilgrim of The Walk of Wisdom (WoW). This was my starting point and also my end point. But the church was closed.…
“What attracts me is that feeling of freedom” (Karin Hermus)
News, Stories from pilgrims
Jeroen van Zuylen visits special locations on the route of the Walk of Wisdom on behalf of our Walk of Wisdom. Places where people have felt at home, feel at home, and want to talk about it to their heart's content. He does his second interview…