Walk of Wisdom – a modern pilgrimage
News, selection
We have a dream of a worldwide network of national pilgrimage trails connected together by shared values and some basic rites and symbols. A modern pilgrimage independent of a religion. We have written a charter to state our case:
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Consider… the Walk of Wisdom: the start (report by pilgrim Simone Venderbosch, part 1 of 4)
News, Stories from pilgrims
Text & images: Simone Venderbosch
My Walk of Wisdom starts one morning in Nijmegen. At the time, the city was still visibly reeling from the Vierdaagsefeesten. There is a lot of cleaning going on and there are a lot of people busy. After…

A travelogue of the Silence Walk from Nederasselt to Ravenstein
News, selection, Stories from our editors
On August 29, 2020, there was another silent walk in the series 'The Walk of Walk of Wisdom in a year around'. The group walk went from Nederasselt to Ravenstein. Vivian Cremers guided the walk, together with Rob van Sprang. Vivian had picked…

The story of the Departure Ceremony (2): ‘You miss more than you experience’
News, selection, Stories from our editors
Miniature by artist Judith Krebbekx
During the Departure Ceremony/Pilgrim's Lauds of the Walk of Wisdom on September 5 in the Stevenskerk in Nijmegen, volunteer Ivan Beemster read a text. From poet Jaap Robben this time.
The text for each…

Last minute: guided Walks of Wisdom (not organized by our foundation).
News, selection
Have you always had the desire to go on a pilgrimage, but postponed your departure? For example, because you didn't want to go alone. Then you have no excuse now. As an experiment, Annemieke Oost and Jennecke Stradmeijer offer an almost all-inclusive…

Ride for Wisdom: pilgrim Ann Verboven on pilgrimage by bike
News, Stories from pilgrims
Ann Verboven and two friends decided to cycle the Walk of Wisdom . Ann wrote a wonderful report.
DAY 1 Nijmegen-Ooij-Erlecom-Kranenburg-Groesbeek
The St Nicholas Chapel in Nijmegen. Round, a circle, people connected. Marieke who touches…

Impression of Juliet, the 5,000th pilgrim
News, selection, Stories from pilgrims
Julia and her husband Henk walked the Walk of Wisdom in the second half of August. They had a special starter pack: number 5,000. That's why there were all kinds of treats on the way from stops on the route.
Last fall, we decided to walk the…