See the sun! Dew trapping after a contemplation in the Stevenskerk

Saturday 1 June is our earliest pilgrimage lauds of the year: See the sun! Wake up together with the birds and come to the quietly deserted Stevens Church in the soft light of the morning twilight to listen to a story from our Book of Hours…

55/5000 River goddess on the pilgrim path – report from Rian Boons

It's a wrap. Just at the last moment of the new year. What a nice trip. The last monument on the dike, the ‘temple of the goddess’/ tempel van de riviergodin. And that summarizes how I feel. Goddess of the land of Waal, Maas, streams and…

Pilgrim house to be established in Mook is looking for volunteers

One of our volunteers - Ryon Groenen - would like to start a pilgrim house in Mook and is looking for volunteers. Read the explanation that Marjolein Pieks wrote in consultation with her here. The route of the Walk of Wisdom runs right past…
huismus door Burak K

Action Home Sparrow gets wings

The Bird Working Group Nijmegen e.o. invests an extra €400 in our campaign for nesting boxes for house sparrows: Action Home Sparrow. The house sparrow is not doing well, partly due to improved insulation of houses, which means that the…
silent walk

Annual Report 2018 published:

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We have published our 2018 annual report. Short summary: it was a good year of pilgrimage! Read the full report: link more (nice) pilgrims More pilgrims came (1,433 compared to 1,187 in 2017), who still give us many enthusiastic responses.…

A walk full of encounters

"I walked alone for five days in a row and on the sixth day I was accompanied by my son and my love." The walk of pilgrim Avelijn Waardenburg (pilgrim 3954) was enriched with special encounters with people with whom she spent the night: Annet…

Acoustic duo “Messingh” will play at our departure ceremony on May 18

We are happy and proud that Helma Mollenkamp and Ben Dirks will play at our departure ceremony on May 18 at 10.00 am in the Nicolaaskapel in Nijmegen. Helma and Ben together form the acoustic duo MESSINGH and are the warm inspirers of "Affection…

The Walk of Wisdom together with others

We get questions from pilgrims who prefer not to walk the route alone, but together with others. The reasons are varied: more depth, safer, connectedness. We ourselves organised the 'Walk of Wisdom twice in a year round', in which we walked…