Philosopher Schouten of Staatsbosbeheer forerunner
NewsThe philosopher of the Dutch Forestry Commission, Matthijs Schouten, will be the forerunner of the Walk of Wisdom. Schouten is the author of, among other things, Mirror of Nature: The Image of Nature in a Cultural-Historical Perspective, a book…
Mayor of Nijmegen supports WoW
NewsThe chief of staff of the municipality of Nijmegen announced this week that Hubert Bruls, mayor of Nijmegen, will take a seat on the committee of recommendation of the Walk of Wisdom. He also contributes to the contemporary book of hours and…
Former bank CEO Herman Wijffels
NewsThe prominent and progressive former leader of Rabobank Herman Wijffels has been the first to declare himself willing to become a symbolic forerunner of the Walk of Wisdom. He will also contribute to the contemporary book of hours and pilgrimage…